Professor, MD, PhD, Surgeon,
International teacher and author in Traumatology and Disaster Medicine - University of Linköping, Sweden
Sten Lennquist

"Semplicity is the key"
Sten Lennquist
Surgical Activities Coordinator
Emergency Department
IRCCS San Raffaele
Roberto Faccincani


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Welcome to MRMI Italia, a multidisciplinary group linked to an international network involving Sweden, the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, Norway, Croatia, Slovenia, Portugal and whose goal is to improve the response in case of major disasters or accidents.
The "MRMI philosophy" is based on two assumptions:
1. The response to a major incident is a chain of many components: the management and triage of the injured on the scene of the event, their transportation, diagnosis, definitive intra-hospital treatment and Command at all levels. The effectiveness of the answer depends on the functioning and integration capacity of all these components. For effective training, therefore, all these components must be exercised simultaneously.
2. Training in Disaster Medicine is different from training in any other field of medicine: during a major accident, "field training" can not be done because all efforts must be aimed at saving lives. For this reason, realistic simulation systems are being used for this purpose.
MRMI courses are based on one of these tools, the MACSIM (MAss Casualties Simulation System), chosen for its ability to combine educational power and simplicity.
Medical Response to Major Incident

For an efficient response in case of major incident

Multidisciplinary training
International courses designed to train all the actors involved in responding to a major accident
Emergency plans validation
Application of Emergency Plans for the management of major incidents in simulated environments
Consultancy for drafting of emergency plans. Logistics and organization interventions to improve the response efficiency to a maxi-emergency